
मकरसंक्रान्ति  भारतकेप्रमुखपर्वोंमें सेएकहै। मकरसंक्रांति पूरे भारत, नेपाल औरभारतके बाहरभीभिन्नरूपोंमें मनायाजाता है।पौष मासमेंजि सदिनसूर्य मकरराशिमें प्रवेशकरता है उसदिनइस पर्व कोमनायाजाताहै।इसदिनसूर्य धनुराशि कोछोड़ मकरराशि मेंप्रवेशकरताहै।तमिलनाडु मेंइसे पोंगल नामक उत्सव केरूपमें जानाजाता हैं जबकि कर्नाटक, केरल तथा आंध्रप्रदेश मेंइसेकेवल संक्रांति हीकहते हैं। बिहारके कुछजिलोंमें यहपर्व ‘तिलासंक्रांत’ नामसेभीप्रसिद्धहै।मकरसंक्रान्तिपर्वकोकहीं-कहीं उत्तरायण भीकहतेहैं।इसदिनकेबाद सेसूर्य उत्तरदिशाकी ओरअग्रसर (जाताहुआ) होताहै। इसीकारण इसपर्वको ‘उतरायण’ (सूर्यउत्तरकीओर) भीकहतेहै।मकरसंक्रान्तिकेअवसरपरभारतकेविभिन्नभागोंमें, औरविशेषकर गुजरात में, पतंग उड़ानेकीप्रथाभीहै। मकरसंक्रान्तिकाऐतिहासिकमहत्व ऐसीमान्यताहै किइसदिन भगवानभास्कर अपनेपुत्र शनि सेमिलने स्वयंउसके घरजाते हैं। चूँकि शनिदेव मकरराशिके स्वामी हैं, अत: इसदिनको मकरसंक्रान्तिके नामसेजानाजाता है।। मकरसंक्रान्तिके दिनही गंगाजीभगीरथके पीछे-पीछेचलकर कपिलमुनि केआश्रमसेहोतीहुई सागर मेंजाकरमिलीथीं।मान्यतायहभी है किइसदिनयशोदाने श्रीकृष्ण कोप्राप्तकरनेकेलिये व्रतकियाथा। मकरसंक्रांति (संक्रान्ति) […]

Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda, born as Narendranath Datta, was a renowned Indian philosopher and spiritual leader who played a significant role in introducing Hindu philosophy to the Western world. He was born on January 12, 1863, in Kolkata, India. Swami Vivekananda was deeply influenced by his guru, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, and dedicated his life to spreading the […]

My City My Place

KHAJURAHO (Eternal Expressions of Love) The temples of Khajuraho are India’s unique gift to the world, representing as they do, a paean to life, to love, to jay, perfect and moon, has been captured in stone, testifying not only to the craftsman’s artistry but also to the extraordinary breadth of vision of the Chandela Rajput’s […]

Journey of the Dream to Fly

Now we come to the third motion of aircraft…….the YAW Motion. A yaw motion refers to the horizontal movement of an airplane’s nose. It’s essentially used to turn an airplane in a different direction. Like most vehicles, including cars and trucks, airplanes must turn to change the direction. Airplanes rely on a yaw movement to […]