Journey of the Dream to Fly

Now we come to the third motion of aircraft…….the YAW Motion.

A yaw motion refers to the horizontal movement of an airplane’s nose. It’s essentially used to turn an airplane in a different direction. Like most vehicles, including cars and trucks, airplanes must turn to change the direction. Airplanes rely on a yaw movement to perform such turns that allow them to change the direction in which they fly.

Airplanes have an axis on which yaw movements are performed. Known as a yaw axis, it runs perpendicular to the airplane’s wings. The yaw axis is basically a straight line that starts at the nose of the airplane and stops at the tail of the airplane. When an airplane turns, it will rotate along its yaw axis.

Yaw is controlled via the rudder. If you look at the tail of a typical airplane, you’ll notice a flap on each side. These flaps encompass the airplane’s rudder, and pilots can control the ruder to perform a yaw movement. When a pilot wants to change direction, he or she will engage the rudder. The rudder flap will shift, thereby allowing the airplane to rotate along its yaw axis

Along with the rudder, pilots can perform a yaw movement by engaging the ailerons. The ailerons and rudder both provide a method of controlling the direction in which airplanes fly.

 Let’s understand the yaw motion and its control through this video.

 In the next edition we will study more about relation between various motions……..

By: Mr. Pradyumna Sharma (Sr. Manager – Ground Services)

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मकरसंक्रान्ति  भारतकेप्रमुखपर्वोंमें सेएकहै। मकरसंक्रांति पूरे भारत, नेपाल औरभारतके बाहरभीभिन्नरूपोंमें मनायाजाता है।पौष मासमेंजि सदिनसूर्य मकरराशिमें प्रवेशकरता है उसदिनइस पर्व कोमनायाजाताहै।इसदिनसूर्य धनुराशि कोछोड़ मकरराशि मेंप्रवेशकरताहै।तमिलनाडु मेंइसे पोंगल नामक उत्सव केरूपमें जानाजाता हैं जबकि कर्नाटक, केरल तथा आंध्रप्रदेश मेंइसेकेवल संक्रांति हीकहते हैं। बिहारके कुछजिलोंमें यहपर्व ‘तिलासंक्रांत’ नामसेभीप्रसिद्धहै।मकरसंक्रान्तिपर्वकोकहीं-कहीं उत्तरायण भीकहतेहैं।इसदिनकेबाद सेसूर्य उत्तरदिशाकी ओरअग्रसर (जाताहुआ) होताहै। इसीकारण इसपर्वको ‘उतरायण’ (सूर्यउत्तरकीओर) भीकहतेहै।मकरसंक्रान्तिकेअवसरपरभारतकेविभिन्नभागोंमें, औरविशेषकर गुजरात में, पतंग उड़ानेकीप्रथाभीहै। मकरसंक्रान्तिकाऐतिहासिकमहत्व ऐसीमान्यताहै किइसदिन भगवानभास्कर अपनेपुत्र शनि सेमिलने स्वयंउसके घरजाते हैं। चूँकि शनिदेव मकरराशिके स्वामी हैं, अत: इसदिनको मकरसंक्रान्तिके नामसेजानाजाता है।। मकरसंक्रान्तिके दिनही गंगाजीभगीरथके पीछे-पीछेचलकर कपिलमुनि केआश्रमसेहोतीहुई सागर मेंजाकरमिलीथीं।मान्यतायहभी है किइसदिनयशोदाने श्रीकृष्ण कोप्राप्तकरनेकेलिये व्रतकियाथा। मकरसंक्रांति (संक्रान्ति) […]

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