Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda, born as Narendranath Datta, was a renowned Indian philosopher and spiritual leader who played a significant role in introducing Hindu philosophy to the Western world. He was born on January 12, 1863, in Kolkata, India. Swami Vivekananda was deeply influenced by his guru, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, and dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Vedanta and Yoga. Vivekananda’s most notable contribution came during the World’s Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893. His powerful speech on universal brotherhood and religious tolerance captivated the audience and earned him international recognition. This event marked the beginning of his mission to promote harmony among different religions.

One of Vivekananda’s most significant contributions was his introduction of Vedanta philosophy to the Western world. He travelled extensively across Europe and America, delivering lectures on Hinduism and its core principles. Through his teachings, he aimed to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western cultures, promoting tolerance and understanding among different religions. Vivekananda also emphasized the importance of education as a means for social upliftment. He believed that education should not only focus on academic knowledge but also on character-building and moral values. To realize this vision, he established the Ramakrishna Mission in 1897, which continues to provide educational services to underprivileged communities in India.

Furthermore, Vivekananda advocated for women’s rights at a time when gender inequality was prevalent in Indian society. He firmly believed in empowering women through education and encouraged their active participation in social reforms.

Swami Vivekananda’s contributions were multifaceted and far-reaching. His teachings continue to inspire individuals worldwide to seek spiritual enlightenment while actively working towards societal betterment. His legacy serves as a reminder of the power of compassion, tolerance, and selfless service – values that are essential for building a harmonious world.

Let’s pay our tribute to the great Indian philosopher on his birth Anniversary!!

By: Mr. Raymond Henry (Manager – Ground Services)

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मकरसंक्रान्ति  भारतकेप्रमुखपर्वोंमें सेएकहै। मकरसंक्रांति पूरे भारत, नेपाल औरभारतके बाहरभीभिन्नरूपोंमें मनायाजाता है।पौष मासमेंजि सदिनसूर्य मकरराशिमें प्रवेशकरता है उसदिनइस पर्व कोमनायाजाताहै।इसदिनसूर्य धनुराशि कोछोड़ मकरराशि मेंप्रवेशकरताहै।तमिलनाडु मेंइसे पोंगल नामक उत्सव केरूपमें जानाजाता हैं जबकि कर्नाटक, केरल तथा आंध्रप्रदेश मेंइसेकेवल संक्रांति हीकहते हैं। बिहारके कुछजिलोंमें यहपर्व ‘तिलासंक्रांत’ नामसेभीप्रसिद्धहै।मकरसंक्रान्तिपर्वकोकहीं-कहीं उत्तरायण भीकहतेहैं।इसदिनकेबाद सेसूर्य उत्तरदिशाकी ओरअग्रसर (जाताहुआ) होताहै। इसीकारण इसपर्वको ‘उतरायण’ (सूर्यउत्तरकीओर) भीकहतेहै।मकरसंक्रान्तिकेअवसरपरभारतकेविभिन्नभागोंमें, औरविशेषकर गुजरात में, पतंग उड़ानेकीप्रथाभीहै। मकरसंक्रान्तिकाऐतिहासिकमहत्व ऐसीमान्यताहै किइसदिन भगवानभास्कर अपनेपुत्र शनि सेमिलने स्वयंउसके घरजाते हैं। चूँकि शनिदेव मकरराशिके स्वामी हैं, अत: इसदिनको मकरसंक्रान्तिके नामसेजानाजाता है।। मकरसंक्रान्तिके दिनही गंगाजीभगीरथके पीछे-पीछेचलकर कपिलमुनि केआश्रमसेहोतीहुई सागर मेंजाकरमिलीथीं।मान्यतायहभी है किइसदिनयशोदाने श्रीकृष्ण कोप्राप्तकरनेकेलिये व्रतकियाथा। मकरसंक्रांति (संक्रान्ति) […]

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